*** HERE is the link to Team Awesomism Virtual Academy LLC. We’re a “partner” of it. 


who want to enroll in the academy. ***

How can you support Team Awesomism?

There are many ways!

-If you are interested in being a Team Awesomism sponsor, to help us help autistic adults become entrepreneurs . Here are the many ways you can… Support us here on Paypal, Cash App, and/or Venmo with $50. Our Chime is, $TeamAwesomism.

-Team Awesomism App coming soon!

Please recommend us to autistic adults and their family.

-You can invite us to be a guest on your podcast, live meetings or any other way to help us get the word out.

-You can share/follow us on our social media.

What is Team Awesomism?

Team Awesomism is an online community where we will be working to help autistic adults with their life skills, social skills, fun skills, soft skills, hard skills, work skills and so much more, and show the positive side of autism! We’re also working to help autism families turn autism into awesomism and help connect with them and/or their business. Read more details on our About page.

Check out our latest Tony Mantor's Podcast below!

Teammates App Promo

Here's our interview with Autism Connect where we talk about how we can help turn autism into Awesomism through Team Awesomism!

Check out all our upcoming projects for Team Awesomism!

Here's an Insight into what is going to be on the upcoming Teammates App!

Here are our social media accounts! If you're on any of these, please follow us!