Team Awesomism Country Store

Welcome to Team Awesomism! We are working to help autistic adults become financially independent. One of the ways we do this is through our Country Store. Please head over to our store page here! Proceeds from the sales go to help autistic adults!

How can you support Team Awesomism?

There are many ways!

-Through our Country Store

-If you don’t see anything you’d like to buy, you can also send us a tip through our tip jar! Here are many ways you can through our tip jar… Support us here on Paypal, Cash App, and/or Venmo with any amount you feel comfortable with. Our Chime is, $TeamAwesomism.

-Team Awesomism App coming soon! 

Please recommend us to autistic adults and their family.

-You can invite us to be a guest on your podcast, live meetings or any other way to help us get the word out.

-You can share/follow us on our social media.

What is Team Awesomism?

Team Awesomism is an online community where we will be working with autistic adults to become small business owners, entrepreneurs and independent contractors, and show the positive side of autism! We’re also working to help autism families turn autism into awesomism and help connect with them and/or their business. Read more details on our About page.

What is The Season of Awesomism?

There are so many families and individuals that are hurting in the Autism community. Between the economy and the hurricanes that have devastated so many people. We at Team Awesomism want to try to help. We have selected 5 different families/individuals in the Autism community to help.

The Season of Awesomism

Team Awesomism Community App Coming Soon!

Here are our social media accounts! If you're on any of these, please follow us!