Welcome to our Team Awesomism website! Team Awesomism was started by Lynne (aka AwesomismMom) and her adult autistic son, Peyton. Lynne homeschooled all 4 of her kids and was very active in promoting the positives to homeschooling for years.
She took her passion for supporting others in the autism community to blogging and a podcast. Seeing a need to help autistic adults, she decided to add one more piece, Team Awesomism.
Would you or your business be willing to become a sponsor of us?
About Team Awesomism
Team Awesomism is an online community focused on helping autistic adults and autism families that are in serious need, as well as work with them to help them become small business owners, entrepreneurs and independent contractors.
While we cannot single-handedly solve this issue, we can help autistic adults with life skills and social skills, by making their future easier, and help make their independent skills.
We’re looking forward to you, your business and/or someone you know in becoming a sponsor for us!
Percentage of Autistic Adults
CDC has shown that there are currently 5,437,988 autistic people living in the United States. States like Texas, Florida, California and New York have the largest populations of autistic people. Not to mention the fact that 1 in 54 people have been diagnosed with autism. Over 85% of autistic people (including college students) are unemployed.
Some experts stated that are over 8-9 million autistic adults out there. Many are unfortunately being left behind, and we want to change that. This is one of the reasons why we started Team Awesomism.
About AwesomismMom
She has a website called AwesomismMom where she writes blogs about autism, anxiety, self-care, food recipes, holiday decorations, small businesses, and lots of other awesome topics. Please feel free to check it out! If you want to, you can let her know that you’d like to join as a guest blogger!
What Can We Do?
We have a sign up page where you can sign up to our Mailchimp email list! You can also sign up to Mailchimp email list on AwesomismMom website.
Reach us out if you or your small business is willing to support us, visit our Contact page and keep in touch with us! Your support and sponsorship are what will not only allow us to keep our academy free, but also allow us to get awesome content, and help autism family members and autistic adults!